[PEAK] Downloading via redirection

Yang qp10sxo02 at sneakemail.com
Fri Mar 23 22:03:20 EDT 2007

On 3/23/07, Justizin justizin-at-siggraph.org |python-peak|
<...> wrote:
> Yang - could the UI be modified as such that it would have given you
> less of a first impression that this was not working properly?

Well, I knew it wasn't working properly from the fact that nothing got
downloaded. But in order to determine the cause, I had to experiment
with the PHP and my package info.

I think the thing about a UI fix is that if easy_install can actually
recognize it's doing the wrong thing, then it might as well at that
point do the right thing!

BTW that HTTP header is exactly what I was referring to in my last reply.



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