[PEAK] Packaging peak apps

alexander smishlajev alex at ank-sia.com
Thu Feb 3 01:22:43 EST 2005

Phillip J. Eby wrote, at 03.02.2005 6:08:
>> if i add moduleName to self.path in ImportLoaderFactory, this name is 
>> found (zipfile contains peak.ini is in 'peak' package directory).
> Okay, I've checked in the fix for this, the ZConfig problem, and the 
> spurious Graph.txt error.

thank you.

> By the way, I gather that PEAK's lazy module mechanism now works 
> correctly with zipped modules under Python 2.4?  (There should also be a 
> fix in 2.3.5, but it'd be nice to confirm it works with 2.4, as the same 
> patch was applied to 2.3.5.)

perhaps yes.  Yaroslav is now working on migration from setup described 
at http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/DistributePeakApplications to 
py2exe.  as far as i understand, new setup is not functional yet, but 
parts of it are runnable already.  at least some lazy modules from PEAK 
are instantiated at import time, so they must be working properly.

best wishes,

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