[PEAK] Survey: PEAK community site

Doug Quale quale1 at charter.net
Thu Jul 1 13:50:26 EDT 2004

"Phillip J. Eby" <pje at telecommunity.com> writes:

> At 08:33 AM 7/1/04 -0500, Doug Quale wrote:
> >John Landahl <john at landahl.org> writes:
> >
> > > Just a quick survey for the PEAK community: is there any interest
> > in having a
> > > Plone or Plone-like site for PEAK?
> >
> >I'm a newcomer to PEAK.  The mailing list hasn't been too busy lately,
> >but I would certainly use such a resource.
> Just as a point of clarification on John's survey: I think the
> question should perhaps be, is anyone interested in *helping build*
> and *write content for* such a site.  Or perhaps more precisely, "If
> you're not currently contributing content to the Wiki or mailing list,
> would you start if we had such a site?"
> Obviously, everybody would be interested in having such a site, as
> long as there was content there.  :)

Well, I don't know Zope or Plone but I would like to contribute
content.  First I have to learn enough to have something of value to
share.  This puts me in a chicken or egg situation until I get more
practice with PEAK.  (I have made small corrections to some of the
tutorials on the wiki as I worked through them.)

Looking at the list archives last year you asked people not to promote
PEAK too vigorously yet because it was still in an early stage of
development.  It looks to me like you now have large parts of the
framework quite solid.  I think they would be ready for more
widespread use if they were better documented.

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