[TransWarp] Missing TW.Aspects

Miki Tebeka tebeka at cs.bgu.ac.il
Thu Apr 4 14:11:28 EST 2002

Hello Phillip,

I'm doing a seminar on AOP and my lecture is on TransWarp.
I'm very impressed with the system however I have one problem - I can't
find TW.Aspects anywhere. I've downloaded 0.2 and ran "python setup.py
install", everything seemed ok. However when I try the exapmles in the
tutorial and do 
from TW.Aspects import Aspect
I get 'ImportError: No module named asepcts'

I've tried the CVS but it isn't there as well.

Where can I get the Aspects module to toy with?

Smile, damn it, smile.

lambda msg: {
        'name' : 'Miki Tebeka',
        'email' : 'tebeka at cs.bgu.ac.il',
        'url' : 'http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~tebeka',
        'quote' : 'The only difference between children and adults is the 
		   price of the toys'

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