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}}} and turns them into pictures that look like this:
Many people have created interesting tools that use GraphViz to draw diagrams of workflow processes, clickpaths through a website, profiler call charts, even UML class diagrams. Most such programs use hardcoded templates for their `.dot` files and can be difficult to change because you have to know both the `dot` language and the application area of the software. In this tutorial, we'll develop a sophisticated framework for creating `.dot` files from application data that will give you flexible, object-oriented control over the visual objects to be rendered by GraphViz. We'll begin with a very simple structure using only three classes, and then, step by step, we'll show you more advanced ways to use the `peak.model` tools as we gradually enhance the framework's power and flexibility. Along the way, we'll share tips and techniques for ways to make the best design decisions for your own applications, in similar situations.

Let's try it out...
>>> A = Node(name='A')
>>> B = Node(name='B')
>>> g = Graph(
        edges=[Edge(fromNode=A, toNode=B)]
>>> import sys
>>> g.writeDot(sys.stdout)
digraph test {
   A -> B;
If we had written the output to a file instead of to `sys.stdout`, we could have run `dot` over the file to produce an image like this one:
Not very impressive so far, but it's a start. In principle, we could now generate digraphs of arbitrary complexity by writing code that manipulates `Node`, `Edge`, and `Graph` instances. In practice, they'll be rather ugly. :) That's because at this point, we have no way to specify nice shapes, labels, colors, arrowheads, fonts, and so on for our nodes and edges.
But before we start adding all that fancy stuff to the model, let's take a quick break to examine the new feature type we used, `model.Collection`.
=== Working with Collections ===
XXX To Be Discussed (no particular order)
* Collection methods (add, remove, replace), `singularName`
* Bidirectional associations, `referencedEnd`, and using names for `referencedType`
* Label string escaping
* Label string encoding (per-font?! Object should use unicode for label and delegate encoding to its font)
* Enumerations for shapes, colors, arrows, line styles, directions, etc....
* Edges between ports
* "Record" shape support (how to handle \l, and other special escapes? What about ports?)
* Using module inheritance to mixin Node and Edge to various UML object types for drawing purposes
* Dynamically determining edge direction and arrow style from UML data
* Styles, custom feature to support "stylable" attribs like color, font, etc.
* Custom metadata, such as a class attrib that lists all a class' stylable attribs
* Constraints: node name uniqueness, nodes referenced by edges must be included in same graph
* Nested graphs and clusters; isCluster attrib, treating graph clusters as nodes
* Supporting "rank=same" (part of a style?)
* Lazily mapping from another problem domain's objects to GV domain objects
* Feature metadata including upperBound/lowerBound, isDerived, isMany, isRequired, isChangeable, implAttr, useSlot, attrName, isComposite, typeObject, sortPosn, defaultValue, etc.
* Feature methods and hooks, such as normalize(), fromString(), fromFields(), _onLink(), _onUnlink(), etc.

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