[ZPatterns] Problem importing a ZPattern based site

Steve Alexander [email protected]
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 21:52:15 +0000

Christian Scholz wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> I have little problem after upgrading to Zope 2.4.3 and TransactionAgents 0.0.4
> I do the following with my app:
> 1. Export it via the ZMI as file.xml
> 2. Import it again somewhere else (even on the same Zope instance)
> 3. I get the following error:
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: ('__init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)', <extension class
> Products.ZPatterns.SkinScript.Components.Compute at 871f3d0>, ())

This looks like an error in cloning compiled SkinScript.

> So is there any way to export/import my app again? 

I haven't seen this problem when exporting and re-importing things 
containing SkinScript methods. Then again, I haven't tried it for a while.

I guess you could try commenting out the SkinScript (put a # at the 
start of each line), saving, exporting, then importing, uncommenting 
and saving in the new Zope.

The import/export stuff seems to have changed with Zope 2.5. You could 
see if you get the same problem with Zope 2.5.

What version of Zope / ZPatterns were you coming from?

Steve Alexander