[PEAK] Re: PEAK lesson 4
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Jan 16 20:28:25 EST 2008
At 10:01 PM 1/16/2008 +0100, Henning von Bargen wrote:
>Hello Phillip,
>on pythondev I stumbled across
>and from there I came to PEAK.
>The idea of PEAK seems quite promising.
>Just a few thoughts:
>As an experienced Oracle developer, I noticed the lack of using bind
>variables in the tutorial,
>i.e. in the example snippet
>def _load(self, oid, ob):
> row = ~self.customerdb("select GRP from customers where NAME='%s'" % oid)
> m = self.data[row.GRP]['text'] % oid
> return {'forname': oid, 'text': m}
>This introduces the risk of SQL injection and slow response time.
>cx_Oracle (and I think most of the other Python Database API
>implementations as well)
>do support bind variables.
>Does the PEAK framework support bind variables in SQL statements?
Yes - but the SQLite binding used for that (many-years-old and
slightly out of date) tutorial doesn't.
>If yes, it should be demonstrated in the tutorial.
>Far too many Java programmers tend to write bad SQL (without bind variables)
>just because they aren't shown how to use them in the tuorials.
>So the statement should probably better read
>def _load(self, oid, ob):
> row = ~self.customerdb("select GRP from customers where NAME=:P_NAME",
> P_NAME=oid)
It's almost like that: positional arguments following the SQL are
passed to the cursor's execute method. So if the database takes a
dictionary as a positional argument after the SQL, then you'd pass
dict(P_NAME=oid) as the parameter.
>I'll definitely keep an eye on PEAK and I hope it's a bit easier to
>get something
>up and running than with all these Java frameworks.
Oh, it's definitely easier. But unfortunately I haven't been working
in an "enterprise" shop for almost four years now, so the PEAK core
frameworks described on the DevCenter home page are in a state of
some neglect. I have a blogging application that uses some of the
PEAK core, and I have done some occasional data conversion work using
PEAK-based tools, but most of the action around PEAK these days is in
spin-off toolkits like Trellis, Contextual, PEAK-Rules, etc., that
are even more lightweight and modular than the "old PEAK" stuff.
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source projects; there is a PEAK mailing list for this type of discussion.
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