[PEAK] New PEAK-Rules Milestone in SVN

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sat Jan 12 21:31:33 EST 2008

I just checked in the final piece needed to give PEAK-Rules roughly 
the same predicate dispatch generic function capabilities as 
RuleDispatch.  (Minus PyProtocols integration, that is.)

Actually, PEAK-Rules has slightly more power than RuleDispatch, in 
that it supports multiple dispatch on types through a fast and simple 
engine (based on a prototype by GvR), as well as full Python 
expression parsing, and can automatically upgrade a function from one 
engine to the other at runtime.  You can start out with something like:

def f(a,b):
     """A function"""

@when(f, (int, str))
def f_int_str(a, b):

@when(f, (str, int))
def f_str_int(a, b):

And then add some strings, like so:

@when(f, "isinstance(a,str) and isinstance(b, int) and b==42"))
def f_str_42(a, b):

And the GF machinery will automatically import the extra modules 
needed to parse and dispatch the more complex kinds of 
expressions.  Thereafter, you can use both type tuples and strings 
for the same function, and they're both translated to the same thing 

(One minor issue: exact-type comparisons using 'istype(x)' in type 
tuples are not correctly translated or indexed yet, when a function 
has rules registered with both type-tuples and expressions.)

Anyway, there is still a fairly long list of tasks (mostly better 
docs, tests, and performance) before the 0.5a1 release.  I originally 
planned to have it out by February 1st, but due to some OSAF-related 
travel, I'll have about a week less of nights and weekends available 
this month to work on it than I originally planned.

Some of the more exciting features I would like to get in 0.5a1 (or 
at least before 0.5b1) will include variable bindings, "meta" 
functions (i.e. functions that can affect their compile-time 
representation in conditions), and pattern matching support.

On a less exciting but more practical note, I hope to have a 
"backward compatibility" shim API to let you make PEAK-Rules an 
almost drop-in replacement for RuleDispatch, and maybe eventually 
PyProtocols as well.

The idea is that you should be able to do something like 'from 
peak.rules import dispatch' and get a module that fakes up all your 
favorite RuleDispatch APIs, by wrapping the new PEAK-Rules APIs.  It 
won't be a 100% mapping, since some things are just too different, 
but for single and multiple/predicate dispatch generic functions that 
don't have custom combiners or method types, and don't use 
PyProtocols interfaces to specify argument types, the compatibility 
API should be a near-perfect match.

Of course, that API doesn't exist yet, and neither do docs for either 
the old or new APIs.  But I'd love to hear from anybody who's willing 
to tinker with using the SVN version in code that's currently using 

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