[PEAK] Re: Peak Rules status

Alain Poirier alain.poirier at net-ng.com
Thu Feb 28 10:52:29 EST 2008


Le Wednesday 27 February 2008 21:36:50 Phillip J. Eby, vous avez écrit :
> At 07:49 AM 2/27/2008 -0700, Mark Ramm wrote:
> >Hi Philip,
> >
> >I know you've got a lot going on these days, but I haven't heard any
> >news about peak.rules for a while.  I looked through the Peak mailing
> >list archives, and haven't seen any news about peak.rules since the
> >status update in June, but I do see a thread about people who seem to
> >be using predicate dispatch with peak rules...
> >
> >I'm looking to cut a preview release of  TurboGears 2 release in the
> >next few weeks, and I'm looking for a quick update on peak.rules   I
> >have had several people baulk at the the  RuleDispatch install, and I
> >would very much like to stop rolling our own RuleDispatch releases to
> >include in TG.   At the moment we rely on RD in just two places, and
> >it should be reasonably easy to switch over to peak rules -- even
> >without a compatability layer.
> >
> >It's been suggested by several users that we abandon generic functions
> >altogether -- not because of runtime problems, but because of the lack
> >of an easily available, supported, easy-installable package.   So if
> >peak.rules is close to finished, I'd really like to make a move over
> >to that.
> It's probably actually closer to being finished than RuleDispatch
> is.  :)  There have been a few bug reports here and there, but
> they've all been things I've been able to fix within 30 minutes of
> hearing about them.  :)
> If it would help, I could go ahead and register the development
> version of PEAK-Rules with the cheeseshop, using a "dev" link to SVN,
> so you can easy_install the dev versions.  Everything else that it
> depends on  (BytecodeAssembler, DecoratorTools, AddOns, SymbolType,
> and Extremes) has stable binary releases on the Cheeseshop at the moment.

Same here : in our framework, we changed the use of RuleDispatch to 
Peak-rules. All is fine except that a Peak-rule egg is not directly

To get the sources, I have added into `setup.py` the line `
dependency_links = 

It works on Linux but it's a pain under Windows because you need to
install subversion.

So, should it be possible to have an egg somewhere (PyPi or 
http://peak.telecommunity.com/snapshots/ if you don't want an "official
release" yet) ?

> It's probably actually closer to being finished than RuleDispatch
> is.  :)  There have been a few bug reports here and there, but
> they've all been things I've been able to fix within 30 minutes of
> hearing about them.  :)
> If it would help, I could go ahead and register the development
> version of PEAK-Rules with the cheeseshop, using a "dev" link to SVN,
> so you can easy_install the dev versions.  Everything else that it
> depends on  (BytecodeAssembler, DecoratorTools, AddOns, SymbolType,
> and Extremes) has stable binary releases on the Cheeseshop at the moment.
> The only major feature that PEAK-Rules lacks right now in comparison
> to RuleDispatch is its integration with PyProtocols, or a replacement
> thereof.  If you don't need that, then you can probably use the current
> trunk.
> I'd like to get an alpha release out soon, but there were some bits I
> wanted to improve a bit on.  Mainly, I'd like to have some basic
> beginner docs included.  On the other hand, RuleDispatch never really
> had those, and it apparently didn't hurt it much.  ;-)

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