[PEAK] Re: Peak Rules status

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Feb 27 15:36:50 EST 2008

At 07:49 AM 2/27/2008 -0700, Mark Ramm wrote:
>Hi Philip,
>I know you've got a lot going on these days, but I haven't heard any
>news about peak.rules for a while.  I looked through the Peak mailing
>list archives, and haven't seen any news about peak.rules since the
>status update in June, but I do see a thread about people who seem to
>be using predicate dispatch with peak rules...
>I'm looking to cut a preview release of  TurboGears 2 release in the
>next few weeks, and I'm looking for a quick update on peak.rules   I
>have had several people baulk at the the  RuleDispatch install, and I
>would very much like to stop rolling our own RuleDispatch releases to
>include in TG.   At the moment we rely on RD in just two places, and
>it should be reasonably easy to switch over to peak rules -- even
>without a compatability layer.
>It's been suggested by several users that we abandon generic functions
>altogether -- not because of runtime problems, but because of the lack
>of an easily available, supported, easy-installable package.   So if
>peak.rules is close to finished, I'd really like to make a move over
>to that.

It's probably actually closer to being finished than RuleDispatch 
is.  :)  There have been a few bug reports here and there, but 
they've all been things I've been able to fix within 30 minutes of 
hearing about them.  :)

If it would help, I could go ahead and register the development 
version of PEAK-Rules with the cheeseshop, using a "dev" link to SVN, 
so you can easy_install the dev versions.  Everything else that it 
depends on  (BytecodeAssembler, DecoratorTools, AddOns, SymbolType, 
and Extremes) has stable binary releases on the Cheeseshop at the moment.

The only major feature that PEAK-Rules lacks right now in comparison 
to RuleDispatch is its integration with PyProtocols, or a replacement 
thereof.  If you don't need that, then you can probably use the current trunk.

I'd like to get an alpha release out soon, but there were some bits I 
wanted to improve a bit on.  Mainly, I'd like to have some basic 
beginner docs included.  On the other hand, RuleDispatch never really 
had those, and it apparently didn't hurt it much.  ;-)

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