[PEAK] setup.py develop throws strange error in windows

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Nov 28 14:51:44 EST 2006

At 01:27 AM 11/24/2006 -0500, 2ms22 at qlink.queensu.ca wrote:
>Hi there,
>I am having some issues running easy_install on windows.  I am trying to
>specify a custom install dir, but keep getting an incomprehensible (to me)
> >python setup.py develop --install-dir J:\
>running develop
>Checking .pth file support in J:\
>"C:\Program Files\Python24\pythonw.exe" -E -c pass
>error: command '""C:\Program Files\Python24\pythonw.exe""' failed: Invalid
>I am completely stomped.  I have tried everything, from adding an entry to
>setup.cfg, to putting quotes.

That's not the problem, it appears to be a problem with your Python being 
installed under "Program Files", instead of the standard C:\Python24 location.

Would you mind trying to comment out this line in 

     if ' ' in executable: executable='"%s"' % executable

It's in a method called check_pth_processing.  Please let me know what the 
result is.  Thanks!

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