[PEAK] (Z)ConfigLoader gives me a tuple when I just want a component

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Jun 6 11:58:08 EDT 2006

At 02:16 PM 6/6/2006 +0000, Giles Brown wrote:
>In http://peak.telecommunity.com/doc/CHANGES.txt.html I found stuff 
>describing how
>to create a component as configuration property from a ZConfig schema + 
>config file.
>   [Named Services]
>     peak.naming.factories.myschema = \
>         naming.Reference('zconfig.schema',['pkgfile:mypkg/Schema.xml'])
>   which runs somewhat faster at lookup time.  Similarly, one can also use
>   'naming.Reference("myschema",["somefile"])' in place of a
>   'naming.LinkRef("ref:myschema at filename")'.  As well as being faster, for
>   some use cases it's easier to 'Reference' directly than to glue together
>   a 'ref:' URL string.
>My problem is that the return value of naming.Reference("myschema", 
>["somefile"]) (after
>the property is computed) is a tuple of (component, Zconfig handler).
>I know this is inherited from the way ZConfig handles file loading, but I 
>don't want the
>handler (I don't think).  What is the most elegent way of just getting the 
>component (and
>dropping the handler)?

I believe this should work:

peak.naming.factories.myschema = \
"ref:zconfig.schema at pkfile:mypkg/Schema.xml")[0]

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