[PEAK] peak.security: permissionFor problem
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Feb 11 15:20:27 EST 2005
At 07:44 PM 2/11/05 +0100, Radek Kanovsky wrote:
>On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 01:15:12PM -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > >> I wish you could send me a reproducable case, I have lots of things I'd
> > >> like to check.
> > >
> > >I have finally succeeded. The attached code raises AM exception on my
> > >computer.
> >
> > What Python version? I ran the code on 2.3.4 and it didn't raise an error.
>2.3.4 too. I have checkouted fresh PEAK from CVS for sure. Problem then
>disappear but I have made a few changes in my working PEAK (mainly for
>debuging purposes). One of changes declared additional permission. Try
>following change in peak/web/places.py on line 141:
>- place_url = binding.Make(place_url)
>+ place_url = binding.Make(place_url, security.Anybody)
>Then exception should appear again.
Okay, got it and killed it. It was subtler than I thought; it was a
problem where multiple dispatch nodes doing a 'reseed()' for the same
multiple-inheritance class would cause a method to get added to
subsequently-generated dispatch maps. The symptom is thus hard to provoke
without a very exact set of steps. However, once the issue is understood
it is trivial to detect and test for in a unit test, so I have checked in a
Again, the source of the trouble was CriterionIndex's new algorithm, which
shows me that I really should have had unit tests for its functionality
from the outset. But it was replacing existing code that seemed adequately
covered by integration tests. So, I'm thinking that in future I need to
write more unit tests for such refactorings distinct from existing
integration tests.
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