[PEAK] GNU Enterprise

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Feb 3 11:32:37 EST 2005

At 08:29 AM 2/3/05 +0200, Andreas Pauley wrote:
>Has anyone had a look at GNU Enterprise?


>Any opinions surrounding the design etc. of the software?
>Any major differences, similarities, overlapping features etc?

GNU Enterprise is an effort to build specific enterprise applications which 
are themselves open source; PEAK is an effort to build an open source 
framework which can be used to create open or closed-source 
applications.  It gets used to develop closed-source applications, which 
drive requirements for the framework, but the applications themselves don't 
end up part of the package.

Technologically, there are some other differences, such as GNUe's emphasis 

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