[PEAK] Generic Function API enhancement ideas

Lloyd Kvam python at venix.com
Fri Dec 31 10:35:25 EST 2004

(First post to this list.)
On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 01:46, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> Convenience APIs for Generic Functions
> ======================================
> As I've started playing around with using generic functions for things that 
> involve more than type and value tests, it seems to me that there are some 
> things that really need to be added to the current API.  For example, 
> yesterday I saw some examples in C# of using test-driven development to 
> refine an algorithm, and I decided to take a whack at simply transcribing 
> the requirements directly into a generic function.  The original code 
> computed bowling scores, and this is what I came up with:
>      import dispatch
>      [dispatch.generic()]
>      def score(rolls,frame=1):
>          """Return score for bowling game, given list of a player's rolls"""
>      [score.when("frame<11 and rolls and rolls[0]==10")]
>      def score_strike(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[1:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("frame<11 and rolls and rolls[0]<10 and sum(rolls[:2])==10")]
>      def score_spare(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[2:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("frame<11 and rolls")]
>      def score_open(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:2]) + score(rolls[2:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("not rolls or frame==11")]
>      def scoring_done(rolls,frame):
>          return 0
>      assert score([0]*20)==0
>      assert score([3]*20)==60
>      assert score([4,6,5,3]+[0]*16)==23
>      assert score([10,5,3,2,1]+[0]*14)==29
>      assert score([10]*20)==300
>      assert score([10,4,6]*5+[10])==200
> Pseudo-Arguments/"Macros"
> -------------------------
> As you can see, the code suffers quite a bit from repetition, as the 
> "frame<11 and rolls" condition (or its inverse) appear repeatedly.  Here's 
> what I'm thinking I'd like the rules to look like instead:
>      [dispatch.generic(
>           finished = "not rolls or frame>10",
>           strike   = "rolls[0]==10",
>           spare    = "not strike and sum(rolls[:2])==10"
>      )]
>      def score(rolls,frame=1):
>          """Return score for bowling game, given list of a player's rolls"""
>      [score.when("not finished and strike")]
>      def score_strike(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[1:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("not finished and spare")]
>      def score_spare(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[2:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("not finished and not strike and not spare")]
>      def score_open(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:2]) + score(rolls[2:],frame+1)
>      [score.when("finished")]
>      def scoring_done(rolls,frame):
>          return 0
> In other words, I'd like to be able to create "pseudo-arguments" for a 
> generic function to represent commonly-used intermediate values or 
> conditions that the individual methods can then use in their rules.  This 
> would help reduce repetition in complex rules like these, as well as allow 
> useful abstractions.  I'm thinking that this could also be allowed on the 
> '.when()' decorators as well, except that there the definition would be 
> local to that individual rule.  So, you could initially introduce 
> abstractions on an individual rule, and then move them up to the generic 
> function if you used them often.
> I'm thinking that there could maybe be a Macro facility, e.g.::
>       finished = Macro("not rolls or frame>10")
> And then you could use it in an expression if it was present in your 
> 'locals()'.  The idea is that a Macro found in an expression just gets 
> replaced with its expansion, as though it had been textually included in 
> the expression using it.
> Expression Binding
> ------------------
> A related (but different) idea is expression binding.  Consider this 
> snippet from dispatch.predicates::
>      [expressionSignature.when(
>          # matches 'isinstance(expr,Const)'
>          "expr in Call and expr.function==isinstance"
>          " and len(expr.argexprs)==2 and expr.argexprs[1] in Const"
>      )]
>      def convertIsInstanceToClassTest(expr,test):
>          typecheck = _tupleToOrTest(expr.argexprs[1].value)
>          if not test.truth:
>              typecheck = NotTest(typecheck)
>          return Signature([(expr.argexprs[0],typecheck)])
> Notice that this code computes 'expr.argexprs[1]' twice -- not a big deal 
> for this routine, but for compiler-like systems these things get 
> progressively more complicated to compute.  Part of the issue is that a 
> pattern matching facility is needed, such that the above could say 
> something like:
>      [expressionSignature.when(
>          "match(expr,Call(isinstance,inst,cls))",
>          inst="var()", cls="var(Const)"
>      )]
>      def convertIsInstanceToClassTest(inst,cls,expr,test):
>          typecheck = _tupleToOrTest(cls.value)
>          if not test.truth:
>              typecheck = NotTest(typecheck)
>          return Signature([(inst,typecheck)])
> There are a couple of different ideas I'm presenting here, that I don't 
> necessarily know how to fit together.  One is the pattern matching part, 
> the other is binding variables from a test expression and supplying them as 
> extra arguments to the method.  For example, above I've added 'inst' and 
> 'cls' parameters to the method at the beginning of the method list.  (If 
> the generic function were a method of a class, these parameters would 
> appear *before* 'self'.)
> The idea here is that any parameter names of a method that match macros 
> that were defined in the 'when()' or the original 'generic()', then they 
> will receive the value of those expressions as of the current invocation.
> That idea is pretty straightforward, and I'm fairly sure I know how I'd 
> implement it.  My main question is whether that particular API would be 
> confusing.  Here's another (silly) example of this idea:
>      [dispatch.generic(
>           finished = "not rolls or frame>10",
>           strike   = "rolls[0]==10",
>           spare    = "not strike and sum(rolls[:2])==10",
>           next_frame = "frame + 1"
>      )]
>      def score(rolls,frame=1):
>          """Return score for bowling game, given list of a player's rolls"""
>      [score.when("not finished and strike")]
>      def score_strike(next_frame,rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[1:],next_frame)
>      [score.when("not finished and spare")]
>      def score_spare(next_frame,rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[2:], next_frame)
>      [score.when("not finished and not strike and not spare")]
>      def score_open(next_frame,rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:2]) + score(rolls[2:], next_frame)
>      [score.when("finished")]
>      def scoring_done(rolls,frame):
>          return 0
> Here, for no particular reason, we've made 'next_frame' a macro and then 
> added it as a parameter to the methods that use it.  As you can see, it's 
> optional -- scoring_done doesn't change its signature from the base 
> signature.  The problem I see with it is that it's hard to see what 
> parameter(s) are the extra ones.  Maybe if they had to be a tuple...
>      [expressionSignature.when(
>          "match(expr,Call(isinstance,inst,cls))",
>          inst="var()", cls="var(Const)"
>      )]
>      def convertIsInstanceToClassTest( (inst,cls), expr,test):
>          typecheck = _tupleToOrTest(cls.value)
>          if not test.truth:
>              typecheck = NotTest(typecheck)
>          return Signature([(inst,typecheck)])
> That seems a bit better, in that the extra args get visually grouped 
> together.  I think I could live with that.
> Pattern Matching
> ----------------
> Anyway, the second idea here is pattern matching, represented by the 
> "match()" and "var()" stuff.  We want a way to traverse a data structure, 
> applying tests to it, and saving values that we find in variables for later 
> use.  Ideally, this should be done in such a way that we end up generating 
> an identical test structure for the generic function, as if we had coded it 
> out the long way.
> In the Cecil language's dispatch system (which pioneered predicate 
> dispatching), one would render something like the above 'when' clause as:
>      method expressionSignature(expr at Call{function=f, argexprs=ae}, test)
>        when test(f==isinstance) and test(len(ae)==2)
>         and let(inst,cls) = ae and cls at Const {
>          ...
>      }
> which is cleaner than our rendering in some respects, but not in 
> others.  (What I wrote is actually a strange blend of Python and Cecil; in 
> Cecil you'd actually say something more like:
>      method expressionSignature(expr at Call{function at isinstance, 
> argexprs=ae}, test)
>        when and test(len(ae)==2) and let(inst,cls) = ae and cls at Const {
>          ...
>      }
> Because Cecil is a prototype-based language and '@' is sort of like a cross 
> between 'is' and 'isinstance()' in Python.
> Anyway, mostly what typing all of this is telling me is that pattern 
> matching needs a lot more thought.  :)  I want a natural, Pythonic syntax 
> for expressing patterns and causing variables to be bound while applying 
> tests and traversing structure.  And preferably, it should be syntactically 
> valid Python, so I don't have to write another parser.  :)  Then, there 
> needs to be some way to integrate it with bindings, even if it's 
> implemented via something like 'matches = aPattern.match(value)', and the 
> variables are then retrieved via 'matches.x', where 'x' is the assigned 
> variable name.  How about this:
>      isA(Call, function=isinstance,
>                argexprs=(let(inst=Any),let(cls=isA(Const)))
>      )
> Ugh.  Lots of Incredibly Superficial Parentheses, there.  And that's with a 
> lot of DWIM-ming that has to be implemented by the parser (for example, the 
> sequence of keyword arguments *counts*).
> Here's something a bit closer to what I'd *like* the syntax to look like:
>      Instance(Call, lambda
>          function=isinstance,
>          argexprs=Sequence(var.inst[object], var.cls[Const]): None
>      ).matches(expr)
> This is pure Python, but obfuscated to say the least, using tricks like a 
> special 'var' object to create new variables, and 'lambda' just to obtain 
> an ordered list of name/value pairs!  It's also pretty DWIMmish, guessing 
> that classes or types are instance checks, and other non-special objects 
> are equality tests.
> Or how about:
>      expr in Call(isinstance, var.inst, var.cls[Const])
> This one would only work with special support from 'Call', of course, so 
> it's not useful for all-purpose pattern matching.  Hm.  What if you could 
> do something like:
>      def isCall(function, *argexprs):
>          """Match a 'Call' instance"""
>          return Pattern(
>              # direct test(s)
>              [Call],
>              # (traversalSpec,subpattern)...
>              [("it.function", function), ("it.argexprs", argexprs)]
>          )
> And then you could use it like this:
>      [expressionSignature.when(
>          "match(expr)",
>          match = isCall(isinstance, var.inst, var.cls[Const])
>          inst  = "match(expr).inst",
>          cls   = "match(expr).cls"
>      )]
> Which is a bit verbose, but it's getting better.  The ideal would be more like:
>      [expressionSignature.when(
>          "expr in isCall(isinstance, var.inst, var.cls[Const])"
>      )]
> As long as there was some way for the variables to propagate up so that 
> 'when' could mark them for binding to arguments of the method.  I'm going 
> to have to think about the implementation a bit though.  There's going to 
> have to be a way for signatures and expressions to expose their "bound 
> variables", or at the least for the AST processing to propagate the bound 
> variable map upwards, which could change the signatures of parsing methods 
> throughout the system.  BUT, it would mean that our final form of "expr in 
> isCall(...)" would create a decision tree identical to the one created by 
> the original, highly-verbose spelling.
> Ordered Classifiers
> -------------------
> One last feature that seems useful is ordered classifiers; as an example:
>      frame_type = Classification()
>      finished = frame_type("not rolls or frame>10")
>      strike   = frame_type("rolls[0]==10")
>      spare    = frame_type("sum(rolls[:2])==10")
>      open     = frame_type.default()
>      [dispatch.generic()]
>      def score(rolls,frame=1):
>          """Return score for bowling game, given list of a player's rolls"""
>      [score.when("strike")]
>      def score_strike(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[1:], frame+1)
>      [score.when("spare")]
>      def score_spare(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:3]) + score(rolls[2:], frame+1)
>      [score.when("open")]
>      def score_open(rolls,frame):
>          return sum(rolls[:2]) + score(rolls[2:], frame+1)
>      [score.when("finished")]
>      def scoring_done(rolls,frame):
>          return 0
> The idea here is that a Classification is an *ordered* set of conditions, 
> that automatically ensure that a later-defined classification will only 
> occur if the earlier patterns all fail.  Once the 'default()' method is 
> invoked, no further patterns can be created for that classification.
> Of course, this particular example might as well be a bunch of if-elif's at 
> this point, but there are certainly situations where you want to create a 
> classification like this that can be applied to many things, sometimes in 
> non-obvious combinations.  To be really useful, a typical classification is 
> going to focus on one argument; it'd then be used like a class or interface 
> test, e.g. 'win1 in Iconized and win2 in Maximized' where 'Iconized' and 
> 'Maximized' are classifications in a 'WindowState' ordered classifier.
> Wrap-Up
> -------
> I'm about to fall asleep at the keyboard, so I'm going to wrap this up 
> now.  I'm interested in hearing your feedback, as I am worried that some of 
> the ideas in this thing get a little confusing as to when stuff should be 
> quoted and when it shouldn't, and when it doesn't matter whether you quote 
> it or not.  :)
> Anyway, my general thoughts are that we need to add:
> * Macros/pseudo-arguments (or some other form of abstraction for predicates)
> * Expression bindings (to allow re-use of expressions computed during dispatch)
> * Pattern matching (so tools like compilers can easily match complex patterns)
> * Ordered classification groups (so that it's easy to do prioritized matches)
> ...but the syntax of these features is largely still up for grabs, and I'm 
> open to suggestions.
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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