[TransWarp] PROPOSAL: rename Local->App, Global->System in peak.config
Ulrich Eck
ueck at net-labs.de
Fri Mar 7 18:24:07 EST 2003
>> but somehow i do not feel very comfortable with "App" name. IMHO the set
>> of components using "local" config does not match exactly the concept of
>> "application" as i understand it (in general sense).
App seems a little broad to me as well.
> I would say that an application is composed of one or more root components. An "application configuration" would be
> the configuration shared by those root components. This is actually the intended use of what are now called
> LocalConfig objects.
I've thought of Local configuration more on "ComponentConfiguration" that
has a scope that it supplies configuration for itself and all its child
components. if i write a larger application i might have one "local" configuration
for the Database part another for the gui part ..
both fall back to the "application" config and this falls back to "system" config
if i can use peak.config like this i'ld prefer
"component" configuration instead of "local"
"system" configuration instead of "global"
if there is only one "local" config, then App is ok.
Ulrich Eck
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH
Ebersberger Str. 46
85570 Markt Schwaben
fon: +49-8121-4747-11
fax: +49-8121-4747-77
email: ueck at net-labs.de
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