[TransWarp] simple application skeleton?

Vladimir Bormotov bor at vb.dn.ua
Tue Mar 4 17:25:54 EST 2003

 I try to make "simple application skeleton".  
 Code, look like "PEAK Hello, World!"
 main tasks:
    - application-wide logging
    - application-wide config for components.
 No storage, no UI. Just:
  start (write to log "Start"), 
  read components properties from local config (write to log values), 
  create one-two objects (write to log "Instance of First created" ...), 
  establish bindings (write to log "Class First establish binding to  Second"), 
  exit (write to log "Exit").

 where I can find some examples?
 Nice sources provided by net-labs.de (apps/acmgr), but no logging ;(
 Trivial local config via 
 $ export PEAK_CONFIG=PeakApp.ini 
 not work...

==== PeakApp.ini ====
tick_increment = 10

==== PeakApp.py ====
"""PEAK Application Example

from peak.api import *

__all__ = ['Tick', 'main']

class Tick(binding.Component):
    """Tick is binding.Componenet child"""

    def __init__(self, increment=None):
        """get given increment from argument or config"""
        self.tick = binding.New(int)
        self.increment = increment or \

        LOG_DEBUG('%s.__init__(): increment=%s' % \
                  (self.__class__.__name__, self.increment))

    def next_tick(self):
        """make next tick"""
        self.tick += self.increment

        LOG_DEBUG('%s.next_tick(): tick=%s' % \
                  (self.__class__.__name__, self.tick))

def main():
    """make Tick() instance and do 10 ticks"""
    _tick = Tick()
    for idx in range(10):

if __name__ == "__main__":

 some dummy questions, answers on which I think would find in examples
 at first, logging:
  - how set PRI_DEBUG for default logger?
  - where read messages writed to log via LOG_DEBUG?
  - how set log-file-name for default logger?
 I think, "source mining" not best way to learn "how programm work".
 Me prefer "full debug log reading"... 
 at second, config...  
 But, with logging, I can add at "dark places of PEAK" calls of LOG_*
 myself, read logfile, and understand "how it work..." ;)

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