[TransWarp] Peak Installation...

Vladimir Bormotov bor at vb.dn.ua
Sat Mar 1 17:57:41 EST 2003

		Hi, Phillip!

>>>>> "PJE" == Phillip J Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> writes:

>>     Basic installation requires Python 2.2.1, and the Zope Interface
>>     package
>>     where I can find "Zope Interface Package" separately from Zope?  URL?

 PJE> It's bundled with PEAK; you don't need to download it separately.
 PJE> Also, the INSTALL.txt is in error, in that PEAK now requires Python
 PJE> 2.2.2.

 thnx.  I am update python to 2.2.2

>>   Or which python package provide 'happydoclib' module?

 PJE> I've never used 'bdist_rpm'; I presume it's trying to build a source
 PJE> distribution as part of building the binary installation.  If that's
 PJE> the case, then it's trying to also build the documentation, using
 PJE> happydoc.  You'll probably want to comment out this:

 PJE>          # Build docs before source distribution
 PJE>          self.run_command('happy')

 PJE> from setup.py.  I have that in there because I have happydoc
 PJE> installed, and I want source releases to include the HTML reference
 PJE> documentation.  I'll probably change setup.py to detect the absence
 PJE> of happydoc to prevent this problem in future.  Please let me know if
 PJE> you are still having trouble installing after you comment out the
 PJE> "self.run_command('happy')" line.  

 last cvs-snap build ok.  thnx.

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