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Class: IDataManager ./src/peak/storage/

Data manager for persistent objects or queries

Base Classes   
__contains__ ( ob )

Is ob an object stored by this DM (or such an object's oid)?

Note that this method may causes a database access if the object isn't already in cache.

__getitem__ ( oid )

Lazily retrieve the persistent object designated by oid

This method is intended for use by other DMs that wish to lazily load references to other objects; it should not normally be used by clients, since it does not let you know immediately whether the desired item exists in underlying storage database.

get ( oid,  default=None )

Retrieve the persistent object designated by oid, or default

This immediately retrieves the object and is the method that clients should normally use to retrieve items from the data manager.

preloadState ( oid,  state )

Pre-load state for object designated by oid and return it

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