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Class: ITransactionParticipant ./src/peak/storage/

Participant in a transaction; may be a resource manager, a transactional cache, or just a logging/monitoring object.

Event sequence is approximately as follows:

join(participant) ( readyToVote voteForCommit commitTransaction ) | abortTransaction

An abortTransaction may occur at any point following join(), and aborts the transaction.

Generally speaking, participants fall into a few broad categories:

  • Database connections

  • Resource managers that write data to another participant, e.g. a storage manager writing to a database connection

  • Resource managers that manage their own storage transactions, e.g. ZODB Database/Storage objects, a filesystem-based queue, etc.

  • Objects which don't manage any transactional resources, but need to know what's happening with a transaction, in order to log it.

Each kind of participant will typically use different messages to achieve their goals. Resource managers that use other participants for storage, for example, won't care much about voteForCommit(), while a resource manager that manages direct storage will care about voteForCommit() very deeply!

Resource managers that use other participants for storage, but buffer writes to the other participant, will need to pay close attention to the readyToVote() message. Specifically, they must flush all pending writes to the participant that handles their storage, and return False if there was anything to flush. readyToVote() will be called repeatedly on all participants until they all return True, at which point the transaction will initiate the voteForCommit() phase.

By following this algorithm, any number of participants may be chained together, such as a persistence manager that writes to an XML document, which is persisted in a database table, which is persisted in a disk file. The persistence manager, the XML document, the database table, and the disk file would all be participants, but only the disk file would actually use voteForCommit() and commitTransaction() to handle a commit. All of the other participants would flush pending updates during the readyToVote() loop, guaranteeing that the disk file participant would know about all the updates by the time voteForCommit() was issued, regardless of the order in which the participants received the messages.

Base Classes   
abortTransaction ( txnService )

This message can be received at any time, and means the entire transaction must be rolled back. Transactional caches might use this message to reset themselves.

commitTransaction ( txnService )

This message follows vote_commit, if no participants vetoed the commit. DB connections will probably issue COMMIT TRAN here. Transactional caches might use this message to reset themselves.

finishTransaction ( txnService,  committed )

The transaction is over, whether it aborted or committed.

readyToVote ( txnService )

Transaction commit is beginning; flush dirty objects and enter write-through mode, if applicable. Return a true value if nothing needed to be done, or a false value if work needed to be done. DB connections will probably never do anything here, and thus will just return a true value. Object managers like Entity DMs will write their objects and return false, or return true if they have nothing to write. Note: participants must continue to accept writes until voteForCommit() occurs, and must accept repeated writes of the same objects!

voteForCommit ( txnService )

Raise an exception if commit isn't possible. This will mostly be used by resource managers that handle their own storage, or the few DB connections that are capable of multi-phase commit.

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