Python Version | | 2.3.5 (#1, Aug 25 2005, 09:17:44)
[GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)] |
MoinMoin Version | | Release 1.0 [Revision 1.159] |
4Suite Version | | N/A |
Number of pages | | 162 |
Number of backup versions | | 1161 |
Entries in edit log | | 1598 (174301 bytes) |
Entries in event log | | 27868 (6782983 bytes) |
Global extension macros | | AbandonedPages, BR, FootNote, FullSearch, GetText, Include, OrphanedPages, PageSize, RandomPage, RecentChanges, StatsChart, SystemAdmin, TableOfContents, TeudView, WantedPages |
Local extension macros | | NONE |
Global extension actions | | AttachFile, DeletePage, LikePages, LocalSiteMap, SpellCheck, links, titleindex |
Local extension actions | | NONE |
Installed processors | | CSV, Colorize |