Misc. ideas/issues for the tutorial (authors' list):
Lesson 4
needs to mention readline/history in n2 (and n2's help looks maybe broken in a couple of areas, which I should bug Ty about) (RDM: done, but I may not have mentioned everything you wanted mentioned)
more about n2's functions/abilities (RDM: I added some more stuff, but not much)
URL is "scheme:body", body is not a "path" (RDM: fixed)
Connection isn't a config key/component key - the name is (RDM: reworded, but may still not be clear enough)
Use hello.db instead of test.db (RDM: I purposely used test.db rather than hello.db because it is supposed to be a test database, representing the "real" corporate database. But if you want to change it, I've no huge objection.)
More LinkRef explanation: when you can or can't use it
Put global.ini in PEAK_CONFIG, explain loading order again
DM's and commands need to use get() instead of __contains__ (RDM: fixed)
Lesson 2
Recap is missing info about storage.DMFor
Need to expand on the topic of transaction aborts (esp.: when/when not to initiate one in your code)
Need an IGreetingService or some such, so we can demo the [Component Factories] configuration
This would then be usable by UI's like web, XMLRPC, etc.
Might be a good way to encapsulate certain aspects, including both greetings and edits
Create a "hello world" socket service, that you connect to and are greeted by (then disconnected); this would let us demo several things, including:
ZConfig schemas
accessing the IGreetingService to get the greeter
Need for commands to write where they're told (self.stdout)
Maybe adaptation from IGreetingService to a Twisted protocol or factory?
Kind of hard to show in context of EventDriven, though.
Minimal CGI using print >>self.stdout w/generic greeting
Add PATH_INFO parsing to greet a specific person
Use CGI and FastCGI containers to launch the app
(Maybe other containers, too, if PyWCI standard catches on by then...)
Move up to peak.web
Adapt the IGreetingService to a Web UI wrapper
Unfortunately, peak.web is a huge leap, since it requires path/hierarchy and adaptation
Perhaps there's a less steep area we can find to introduce those concepts in first
'peak.security' might also need a gentler introduction, so it's familiar by the time you get to peak.web
Maybe the socket "hello service" could grow a bit of a protocol with user/password, so we can show security there
Suggestions made by others:
Create a GUI interface to the corporate helloworld app, using something like QT or GTK
Demonstrate more aspects of peak.model by adding some more business logic to model.py (similar to the current greeting() method)
Make unittests an integral part of the tutorial. This should give new users an idea of how test-first development is done in practise.