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Sometimes, more than one method of a generic function (or Dispatcher entry) applies in a given circumstance. For example, you might need to sum the results of a series of pricing rules in order to compute a product's price. Or, sometimes you'd like a method to be able to modify the result of a less-specific method.
For these scenarios, you will want to use one of several "result combination" techniques, ranging from using a provided subclass of GenericFunction or Dispatcher, to rolling your own entirely custom combination approach.
>>> import dispatch >>> from dispatch import strategy, functions, combiners, NoApplicableMethods
The default Dispatcher class only supports returning the most-specific value, or raising NoApplicableMethods or AmbiguousMethod errors. But, the default GenericFunction class implements a result combination strategy similar to the "standard method combination" for generic functions in the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). Specifically, it supports methods calling the "next method", and it supports "before", "after", and "around" methods, in an ordering similar to that of CLOS.
Let's go over each of these concepts in turn. But as we do, please keep in mind that because of PyProtocols' "logical implication" approach to method ordering, before/after/around methods should be needed less often than they would be in CLOS. So, make sure you actually need a particular feature before making your code more complicated than it needs to be.
By default, a GenericFunction will only invoke the most-specific applicable method. However, if you add a next_method argument to the beginning of an individual method's signature, you can use it to call the "next method" that applies. That is, the second-most-specific method. If that method also has a next_method argument, it too will be able to invoke the next method after it, and so on, down through all the applicable methods. For example:
>>> class NextMethodExample: ... [dispatch.generic()] ... def foo(self,bar,baz): ... """Foo bar and baz""" ... ... [foo.when("bar>1 and baz=='spam'")] ... def foo_one_spam(next_method, self, bar, baz): ... return bar + next_method(self,bar,baz) ... ... [foo.when("baz=='spam'")] ... def foo_spam(self, bar, baz): ... return 42 ... ... [foo.when("baz=='blue'")] ... def foo_spam(next_method, self, bar, baz): ... ... # if next_method is an instance of DispatchError, it means ... # that calling it will raise that error (NoApplicableMethods ... # or AmbiguousMethod) ... assert isinstance(next_method, dispatch.DispatchError) ... ... # but we'll call it anyway, just to demo the error ... return 22 + next_method(self,bar,baz) >>> NextMethodExample().foo(2,"spam") # 2 + 42 44 >>> NextMethodExample().foo(2,"blue") # 22 + ...no next method! Traceback (most recent call last): File ... combiners.txt... in foo_spam return 22 + next_method(self,bar,baz) ... NoApplicableMethods: ...
Notice that next_method comes before self in the arguments if the generic function is an instance method. (If used, it must be the very first argument of the method.) Its value is supplied automatically by the generic function machinery, so when you call next_method you do not have to care whether the next method needs to know its next method; just pass in all of the other arguments (including self if applicable) and the next_method implementation will do the rest. (For implementation details, see the strategy.method_chain() function, which is described in the Method Combination Utilities section below.)
Also notice that methods that do not call their next method do not need to have a next_method argument. If a method calls next_method when there are no further methods available, NoApplicableMethods is raised. Similarly, if there is more than one "next method" and they are all equally specific (i.e. ambiguous), then AmbiguousMethod is raised.
Most of the time, you will know when writing a routine whether it's safe to call next_method. But sometimes you need a routine to behave differently depending on whether a next method is available. If calling next_method will raise an error, then next_method will be an instance of the error class, so you can detect it with isinstance(). If there are no remaining methods, then next_method will be an instance of NoApplicableMethods, and if the next method is ambiguous, it will be an AmbiguousMethod instance. In either case, calling next_method will raise that error with the supplied arguments.
Sometimes you'd like for some additional validation or notification to occur before or after the "normal" or "primary" methods. This is what "before", "after", and "around" methods are for. For example:
>>> class BankAccount: ... ... def __init__(self,balance,protection=0): ... self.balance = balance ... self.protection = protection ... ... [dispatch.generic()] ... def withdraw(self,amount): ... """Withdraw 'amount' from bank""" ... ... [withdraw.when(strategy.default)] # nominal case ... def withdraw(self,amount): ... self.balance -= amount ... ... [withdraw.before("amount>self.balance and self.protection==0")] ... def prevent_overdraft(self,amount): ... raise ValueError("Insufficient funds") ... ... [withdraw.after("amount>self.balance")] ... def automatic_overdraft(self,amount): ... print "Transferring",-self.balance,"from overdraft protection" ... self.protection += self.balance ... self.balance = 0 >>> acct = BankAccount(200) >>> acct.withdraw(400) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Insufficient funds >>> acct.protection = 300 >>> acct.withdraw(400) Transferring 200 from overdraft protection >>> acct.balance 0 >>> acct.protection 100
This specific example could have been written entirely with normal when() methods, by using more complex conditions. But, in more complex scenarios, where different modules may be adding rules to the same generic function, it's not possible for one module to predict whether its conditions will be more specific than another's, and whether it will need to call next_method, etc.
So, generic functions offer before() and after() methods, that run before and after the when() (aka "primary") methods, respectively. Unlike primary methods, before() and after() methods:
The overall order of method execution is:
If any of these methods raises an uncaught exception, the overall function execution terminates at that point, and methods later in the order are not run.
Sometimes you need to recognize certain special cases, and perhaps not run the entire generic function, or need to alter its return value in some way, or perhaps trap and handle certain exceptions, etc. You can do this with "around" methods, which run "around" the entire "before/primary/after" sequence described in the previous section.
A good way to think of this is that it's as if the "around" methods form a separate generic function, whose default (least-specific) method is the original, "inner" generic function.
When "around" methods are applicable on a given invocation of the generic function, the most-specific "around" method is invoked. It may then choose to call its next_method to invoke the next-most-specific "around" method, and so on. When there are no more "around" methods, calling next_method instead invokes the "before", "primary", and "after" methods, according to the sequence described in the previous section. For example:
>>> if [BankAccount.withdraw.around("amount > self.balance")]: # Python 2.3 ... def overdraft_fee(next_method,self,amount): ... print "Adding overdraft fee of $25" ... return next_method(self,amount+25) >>> acct.withdraw(20) Adding overdraft fee of $25 Transferring 45 from overdraft protection
(Note: the if block should be replaced by a decorator in normal code; it needs to be as shown for doctest to properly parse the above test in Python versions < 2.4.)
If none of the supplied Dispatcher or GenericFunction subclasses directly meet your needs, you'll want to implement a custom subclass that overides the combine() method to implement your custom algorithm.
The combine() method takes one argument: a sequence of (signature,res) tuples (also known as "cases"), where res is either a dispatcher result or a generic function method, and signature is an ISignature describing the condition under which that result or method should apply. The combine() method must then return a single callable (for generic functions) or a single result (for dispatcher classes). It may raise AmbiguousMethod or NoApplicableMethods to indicate an error condition.
Initially, the input sequence will be in definition order. That is, each case ((signature,res) pair) will appear in the order it was added to the dispatcher or generic function. It is up to the combine() method to do any re-ordering or sorting desired. For your convenience, the dispatch.strategy module includes several useful functions for sorting, filtering, and combining methods from the input sequence.
The following method combination utilities are available from the dispatch.strategy module. They can be assembled in various ways to create interesting method combinations:
Return the single "best" method or value from cases. That is, the method or value of the case whose signature is most specific. If it's ambiguous as to which is most specific, an AmbiguousMethod instance is returned. If cases is empty, then a NoApplicableMethods instance is returned:
>>> strategy.single_best([]) <...NoApplicableMethods instance at ...> >>> strategy.single_best([(strategy.Signature(x=int),1)]) 1 >>> strategy.single_best( ... [(strategy.Signature(x=object),1),(strategy.Signature(x=int),2)] ... ) 2 >>> strategy.single_best( ... [(strategy.Signature(x=int),1),(strategy.Signature(x=int),2)] ... ) <...AmbiguousMethod instance at ...>
This function implements the default Dispatcher combination strategy, or the generic function strategy in the absence of next_method and before/after/around methods.
Yields a series of cases grouped by specificity, such that each group is a set of equally-specific cases, but which are more specific than the cases in groups that follow. The grouped cases can then be passed to safe_methods() or all_methods() in order to extract methods for combining.
Note that groups containing more than one case are ambiguous. That is, it is not statically determinable which cases are more specific than the others. In general, a dispatcher should raise AmbiguousMethod if the first group yielded by this function has a length greater than 1.
Yields methods from the grouped cases until an ambiguous group is found or the input is exhausted. An ambiguous group in the input will be replaced by a callable in the output that raises AmbiguousMethod when called.
>>> list(strategy.safe_methods([])) [] >>> list(strategy.safe_methods([[(1,2)],[(3,4)],[(5,6)]])) [2, 4, 6] >>> list(strategy.safe_methods([[(1,2)],[(3,4),(5,6)]])) [2, <...AmbiguousMethod instance at ...>]
Yields all methods from the grouped cases, including ones in ambiguous groups.
>>> list(strategy.all_methods([])) [] >>> list(strategy.all_methods([[(1,2)],[(3,4),(5,6)]])) [2, 4, 6]
Returns a callable that invokes the first method in methods. If that method has a next_method parameter, then when called it will be passed an extra argument, pointing to the next applicable method in methods, and so on recursively, until a method without a next_method parameter is reached. (Thus, if the first method in methods does not have a next_method parameter, it is returned directly.) If there are no methods in methods, then a dummy method is returned that raises NoApplicableMethods when called.
>>> def f1(next_method): print "f1"; return next_method() >>> def f2(next_method): print "f2"; return next_method() >>> def f3(): print "f3"; return "done"
>>> strategy.method_chain([f1,f2,f3])() f1 f2 f3 'done'
>>> strategy.method_chain([])() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NoApplicableMethods...
>>> mc1 = strategy.method_chain([f2,f3]) >>> mc1() f2 f3 'done' >>> mc2 = strategy.method_chain([f1,mc1]) >>> mc2() f1 f2 f3 'done'
Returns a callable that when called, yields the results of calling each of the supplied methods in turn with the same arguments:
>>> def f1(x): return "f1"+x >>> def f2(x): return "f2"+x >>> for item in strategy.method_list([f1,f2])("y"): print item f1y f2y >>> list(strategy.method_list([])()) # empty method list yields no results []
If the standard before/after/around/when decorators don't work for your application, you can create custom ones by subclassing AbstractGeneric and defining your own "method qualifiers". Here's an example of a "pricing rules" generic function that accomodates tax and discounts as well as upcharges. (Don't worry if you don't understand it at first glance; we'll go over the individual parts in detail later.):
>>> class Pricing(functions.AbstractGeneric): ... """Implement a generic pricing rule with add-ons, tax, etc.""" ... ... def add_when(self,cond): self._decorate(cond,"add") ... def tax_when(self,cond): self._decorate(cond,"tax") ... def discount_when(self,cond): self._decorate(cond,"discount") ... ... def combine(self,cases): ... cases = strategy.separate_qualifiers( ... cases, add=[ ... strategy.ordered_signatures, strategy.all_methods, ... strategy.method_list ... ], ... ) ... discount = strategy.single_best(cases.get('discount',())) ... tax = strategy.single_best(cases.get('tax',())) ... ... def combined(*args,**kw): ... price = sum(cases['add'](*args,**kw)) ... if not isinstance(discount,NoApplicableMethods): ... price -= discount(*args,**kw) * price ... if not isinstance(tax,NoApplicableMethods): ... price += tax(*args,**kw) * price ... return price ... ... return combined
The _decorate method of AbstractGeneric implements a simple function decorator similar to when() et al., so Pricing generic functions will have add_when(), tax_when(), and discount_when() decorator methods. The functions decorated by these methods are then tracked with "qualifiers" indicating what kind of method they are, so that combine() can then separate them out of the list of applicable methods for a given situation. combine() then creates a closure (combined) that combines the effects of the applicable methods.
We can now use this pricing class to implement a generic function:
>>> class Product: ... [dispatch.generic(Pricing)] ... def getPrice(product,customer=None,options=()): ... """Get this product's price""" ... ... [getPrice.add_when(strategy.default)] ... def __addBasePrice(product,customer,options): ... """Always include the product's base price""" ... return product.base_price >>> shoes = Product() >>> shoes.base_price = 42
And then we can create some pricing rules (again, these "if" blocks should be decorators; they have to be this way to support running the doctests in Python 2.3):
>>> if [Product.getPrice.add_when("'blue suede' in options")]: ... def blueSuedeUpcharge(product,customer,options): ... return 24 ... >>> if [Product.getPrice.discount_when( ... "customer=='Elvis' and 'blue suede' in options and product is shoes" ... )]: ... def ElvisGetsTenPercentOff(product,customer,options): ... return .1
And now we can try them out:
>>> shoes.getPrice() 42 >>> shoes.getPrice(options=['blue suede']) 66 >>> print shoes.getPrice('Elvis',options=['blue suede']) 59.4 >>> shoes.getPrice('Elvis') # no suede, no discount! 42
Now, let's look at the function that was used in combine() to separate and preprocess the applicable methods.
Turn a list of cases with possibly-qualified methods into a dictionary mapping qualifiers to (possibly post-processed) case lists. If a given method is not qualified, it's treated as though it had the qualifier '"primary"'.
Keyword arguments supplied to this function are treated as a mapping from qualifiers to lists of functions that should be applied to the list of cases to that qualifier. So, for example, this:
cases = separate_qualifiers(cases, primary=[strategy.ordered_signatures,strategy.safe_methods], )
is equivalent to:
cases = separate_qualifiers(cases) if "primary" in cases: cases["primary"]=safe_methods(ordered_signatures(cases["primary"]))
Notice, by the way, that the postprocessing functions must be listed in order of application (i.e. outermost last).
Some examples/tests:
>>> def f1(x): pass >>> def f2(x): pass >>> def f3(x): pass >>> mixed = [(1,("x",f1)),(2,("x",f2)),(3,("y",f3))] >>> strategy.separate_qualifiers(mixed) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'y': [(3, <function f3...>)], 'x': [(1, <function f1...>), (2, <function f2...>)]} >>> flat = [(1,f1),(2,f2),(3,("y",f3))] >>> strategy.separate_qualifiers(flat) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'y': [(3, <function f3...>)], 'primary': [(1, <function f1...>), (2, <function f2...>)]} >>> strategy.separate_qualifiers(flat,primary=[strategy.method_chain]) {'y': [(3, <function f3...>)], 'primary': (1, <function f1...>)}
So, now that you know how separate_qualifiers() works, you can go back and see what the Pricing.combine() method is doing, and begin thinking about when you might want to create custom combinations of your own.
Map dispatchers are Dispatcher subclasses, typically used for class and attribute metadata such as what command line options are associated with a class' attributes. Map dispatchers merge the metadata that was defined for a class and its ancestors, detecting any ambiguities between specific metadata items defined in different base classes, or defined by multiple rules for the same class. (Actually, they use normal implication precedence, but for simple metadata registries, this usually maps directly to the inheritance structure of the target classes.)
In essence, one defines the metadata as a set of keys and values. The map combiner builds a map of the "most specific" applicable values. The keys and values are extracted from each applicable rule or method in the dispatcher or generic function, and then they are merged in precedence order. If there are two rules at the same precedence level, and they share any keys, the values they provide for those keys must be equal, or an ambiguity occurs. (Unless, that is, those keys were already unambiguously defined at a higher precedence level.)
To start, we'll define a basic class hierarchy, shaped basically like this:
A / \ B C \ / D
By creating these classes, and some signatures to use in their place:
>>> class A: pass >>> class B(A): pass >>> class C(A): pass >>> class D(B,C): pass >>> a = strategy.Signature(x=A) >>> b = strategy.Signature(x=B) >>> c = strategy.Signature(x=C) >>> d = strategy.Signature(x=D)
Our example map combiner will use functions as its rules, with function attributes serving as keys and values. We'll define some functions that have the same keys but different values, some with the same keys and same values, and some with different keys. And, we'll also create a rule that means "ignore any lower-precedence rules":
>>> def r1(): pass >>> r1.key_a = 1 >>> def r2(): pass >>> r2.key_a = 2 # same key, different value >>> def r3(): pass >>> r3.key_a = 2 # same key, same value >>> def r4(): pass >>> r4.key_a = 4 # same key, different value >>> r4.key_b = 42 # different key >>> def r5(): pass >>> r5.stop = True # "stop processing rules"
Next, we'll need a MapDispatcher subclass that can interpret this rule schema:
>>> class ExampleDispatcher(combiners.MapDispatcher): ... def getItems(self,signature,rule): ... # get function attributes ... return [kv for kv in rule.__dict__.items() if kv[0]<>'stop'] ... def shouldStop(self,signature,rule): ... return getattr(rule,'stop',False)
And we need an instance of it to use as a dispatcher, whose combine method we'll be testing:
>>> disp = ExampleDispatcher(['x']) >>> combine = disp.combine
In the simplest possible case, combining no results should return an empty dictionary:
>>> combine([]) {}
And supplying a single result will return a dictionary containing that rule's attributes:
>>> combine([(a,r1)]) {'key_a': 1} >>> combine([(a,r4)]) {'key_a': 4, 'key_b': 42}
When supplying more than one result, the one with higher precedence should take effect, regardless of the order in which they are supplied:
>>> combine([(b,r2),(a,r1)]) # most-specific first {'key_a': 2} >>> combine([(a,r1),(b,r2)]) # least-specific first {'key_a': 2}
And values for keys on lower-precedence rules should still "show through" if there is no higher-precedence value defined for a given key:
>>> combine([(b,r2),(a,r4)]) {'key_a': 2, 'key_b': 42}
But rules at the same precedence levels with the same keys should return an AmbiguousMethod instance:
>>> combine([(b,r1),(c,r2)]) <...AmbiguousMethod instance at ...>
Unless of course the keys have the same values:
>>> combine([(b,r2),(c,r3)]) {'key_a': 2} >>> combine([(b,r2),(c,r3),(a,r4)]) # should still merge other key {'key_a': 2, 'key_b': 42}
Or the conflicting key is already given a value with higher precedence:
>>> combine([(b,r1),(c,r2),(d,r4)]) {'key_a': 4, 'key_b': 42}
Or if a "stop" is requested at a higher precedence:
>>> combine([(b,r1),(c,r2),(d,r5)]) {}
Notice that once a "stop" takes effect, no lower-precedence rules are handled:
>>> combine([(c,r1),(b,r5),(a,r4)]) {'key_a': 1}
So, now that we've verified that our combine() method works, we should be able to use our dispatcher as if it were a normal Dispatcher instance (but which provides appropriately-combined results):
>>> disp["x in A"] = r4 >>> disp["x in B"] = r1 >>> disp["x in C"] = r2 >>> disp["x in D"] = r3 >>> disp[A(),] {'key_a': 4, 'key_b': 42} >>> disp[B(),] {'key_a': 1, 'key_b': 42} >>> disp[C(),] {'key_a': 2, 'key_b': 42} >>> disp[D(),] {'key_a': 2, 'key_b': 42}
Voila! Now we can make direct use of the metadata mapping that's returned by the dispatcher for an instance of a given class. Note, by the way, that the results are cached by the dispatcher, so a given set of methods is only combined once (unless new methods are added or criteria such as protocols are updated):
>>> disp[D(),] is disp[D(),] # same object returned from two calls 1
Finally, let's verify that adding an ambiguous or conflicting definition results in an error at dispatch time:
>>> disp["x in D"] = r1 # we previously defined it as r3 >>> disp[D(),] Traceback (most recent call last): ... AmbiguousMethod: ('key_a', 1, 2, (<...D instance at ...>,), {})
As you can see, r1 and r3 have conflicting definitions for the value of 'key_a', so making them both applicable to D instances creates an ambiguity.