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The following 161 words could not be found in the dictionary of 50 words (including 50 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
Base   Content   Coroutine   Create   Decorator   Error   Exception   I2   Iteration   None   Not   Some   Stop   Template   This   True   Type   accept   add   alter   an   analog   and   app   append   args   arrange   async   asynchronous   base   be   body   both   break   but   bytes   call   callback   can   chunk   class   close   collaborating   completed   def   do   done   elif   else   empty   emulates   entirely   environ   error   example   exc   except   executor   fetch   finally   finished   for   from   func   function   future   futures   general   generator   generators   geniter   handler   has   headers   hello   here   if   implementing   in   init   invoke   is   it   item   iter   iterator   kw   lambda   launch   len   like   methods   middleware   modify   need   needed   next   not   of   only   optional   or   out   outermost   pass   plain   pop   process   pseudo   purpose   raise   read   replace   request   response   result   return   routine   rv   self   send   sent   server   servers   shb   sketches   some   sort   stack   start   status   switch   sync   synchronously   sys   termination   text   that   the   then   thread   throw   to   trampoline   try   tuple   type   under   up   value   wants   way   when   while   world   wrapped   write   wsgi1   yield   yielded   you  

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    1 """Some sketches of implementing a WSGI 2 async API, in both sync and async servers"""
    3 def example_app(environ):
    4     yield '200 OK', [('Content-type','text/plain')], [b'hello world!']
    7 def example_middleware(app):
    9     def wrapped(environ):
   10         # middleware can modify environ here
   11         status, headers, body = yield app(environ)
   13         # and modify or replace s, h, body here
   14         body = process(body)  # ...only if you need to alter it
   16         yield status, headers, body
   18     def process(body_iter):
   19         # This function is only needed if the middleware wants to read
   20         # or modify the body in some way...
   21         while True:
   22             chunk = yield body_iter  # fetch the next chunk from the body
   23             if chunk is None:
   24                 break
   25             # process/modify chunk here, then yield it to the server
   26             yield chunk
   28     return wrapped
   31 def WSGI2(app):
   32     """Decorator that synchronously emulates WSGI2 futures under WSGI 1"""
   33     def wsgi1_app(environ, start_response):
   34         def process_response(shb):
   35             s, h, body = shb
   36             write = start_response(s, h)
   38             def body_trampoline(routine, yielded):
   39                 if type(yielded) is bytes:
   40                      # only accept from outermost middleware
   41                      if len(routine)==1:
   42                          return routine.synchronously(write, yielded)
   43                      else:
   44                          return routine.RETURN(yielded)
   45                 else:
   46                     return base_trampoline(routine, yielded)
   47             if not [body has send/throw methods]:
   48                 body = (item for item in body)
   49             Coroutine(body, body_trampoline)()
   51         def app_trampoline(routine, yielded):
   52             if type(yielded) is tuple:
   53                 return routine.RETURN(yielded)
   54             else:
   55                 return base_trampoline(routine, yielded)
   57         def base_trampoline(routine, yielded):
   58             if [yielded is a future of some sort]:
   59                 return routine.synchronously(future.result)
   60             elif [yielded has send/throw methods]:
   61                 return routine.CALL(yielded)
   62             else:
   63                 raise TypeError("Not a future, result, or generator:", yielded)
   65         # [add an executor to environ here]
   66         Coroutine(app(environ), app_trampoline, process_response)()
   67         return []
   69     return wsgi1_app
   72 def start_request(app, environ):
   73     """Template for asynchronous request handler"""
   74     def process_response(shb):
   75         s, h, body = shb
   76         [do an asynchronous start_response analog here]
   77         def body_trampoline(routine, yielded):
   78             if type(yielded) is bytes:
   79                 # only accept from outermost middleware
   80                 if len(routine)==1:
   81                     [arrange for the bytes to be sent out]
   82                     [arrange to invoke routine() when send is completed]
   83                     return routine.PAUSE
   84                 else:
   85                      return routine.RETURN(yielded)
   86             else:
   87                 return base_trampoline(routine, yielded)
   89         if not [body has send/throw methods]:
   90             body = (item for item in body)
   91         Coroutine(body, body_trampoline, [optional termination callback])()
   93     def app_trampoline(routine, yielded):
   94         if type(yielded) is tuple:
   95             return routine.RETURN(yielded)
   96         else:
   97             return base_trampoline(routine, yielded)
   99     def base_trampoline(routine, yielded):
  100         if [yielded is a future of some sort]:
  101             def done(f):
  102                 routine(*routine.synchronously(f.result))
  103             future.add_done_callback(done)
  104             return routine.PAUSE
  105         elif [yielded has send/throw methods]:
  106             return routine.CALL(yielded)
  107         else:
  108             raise TypeError("Not a future, result, or generator:", yielded)
  110     # [add an executor to environ here]
  111     Coroutine(app(environ), app_trampoline, process_response)()
  114 class Coroutine:
  115     """A thread-like stack of collaborating generators"""
  117     def __init__(iterator, trampoline=lambda r,v:"return", callback=lambda v:v):
  118         """Create and launch a general-purpose pseudo-thread"""
  119         self.stack = [iterator]
  120         self.trampoline = trampoline
  121         self.callback = callback
  123     PAUSE = ()
  125     def CALL(self, geniter):
  126         self.stack.append(geniter)
  127         return None, ()
  129     def RETURN(self, value=None):
  130         self.stack.pop()
  131         return value, ()
  133     def RESUME(self, value=None):
  134         return value, ()
  136     def RAISE(self, exc_info):
  137         return None, exc_info
  139     def __len__(self):
  140         return len(self.stack)
  142     def synchronously(self, func, *args, **kw):
  143         try:
  144             return self.RESUME(func(*args, **kw))
  145         except BaseException:
  146             return self.RAISE(sys.exc_info())
  148     def close():
  149         while self.stack:
  150             self.stack.pop().close()
  152     def __call__(self, value=None, exc_info=()):
  153         stack = self.stack
  154         while stack:
  155             try:
  156                 it = stack[-1]
  157                 if exc_info:
  158                     try:
  159                         rv = it.throw(*exc_info)
  160                     finally:
  161                         exc_info = ()
  162                 else:
  163                     rv = it.send(value)
  164             except BaseException:
  165                 value = None
  166                 exc_info = sys.exc_info()
  167                 if exc_info[0] is StopIteration:
  168                     # pass return value up the stack
  169                     value, = exc_info[1].args or (None,)
  170                     exc_info = ()   # but not the error
  171                 stack.pop()
  172             else:
  173                 switch = self.trampoline(self, rv)
  174                 if switch:
  175                     value, exc_info = switch
  176                 else:
  177                     return rv
  179         # Coroutine is entirely finished when the stack is empty
  180         if exc_info:
  181             try:
  182                 raise exc_info[1]
  183             finally:
  184                 exc_info = ()
  185         return self.callback(value)

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