[PEAK] little fix for running/logs.py and a first draft of a webdemo

Ulrich Eck ueck at net-labs.de
Thu Feb 26 09:17:12 EST 2004

Hi Phillip,

1. this is a little fix for running/logs.py that prevents exceptions  
   from being hidden from another exception when logged:

Index: logs.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/PEAK/src/peak/running/logs.py,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -r1.32 logs.py
<                     self, msg=msg, args=args, priority=ERROR,
>                     self, msg=msg, args=args, priority=self.ERROR,

2. I started a little webdemo app in peakplace:


It consists currently of 2 packages

xslskins: A SkinService, XSLResource that does xsl-transformations on
          resources and a XSLTransformDOMlet that can be used in p.w.t's
          to include styled xml-fragments (one could think of slots)
          additionally there is a first draft of a Element->XML DOMlet
          that automatically renders XML from the model.Elements's
          class/feature information.

webdemo: A basic setup for a peak.web application with simple
         security-declarations. It shows how one can use datamanagers,
         elements and components with url-traversal.
         several templates and stylesheets are provided in the
         resources directory. it also shows how to use the

         there are 2 helpers onboard: debug.py adds the command:

         "peak publish import:webdemo.webapp.WebApp <url>" 

         that just publishes the url to stdout
         and twistedweb.py, a wrapper for the twisted-http-server:

         "peak twisted.web import:webdemo.webapp.WebApp"

         that starts a twisted.http-server and serves the
         app from there.

If you find some time to look into it, i'ld be interested in your
opinion and potential improvements/fixes to the codebase as it is now.

this project is mostly for researching the current p.w capabilities
so contributions/critics/tips/... are very welcome.

till now peak.web works fairly good for what i can tell.



Ulrich Eck
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH
CEO & Code-Artist
Ebersberger Str. 46
85570 Markt Schwaben - Germany

eMail: ueck <at> net-labs.de
phone: +49 8121 4747 10
fax:   +49 8121 4747 77

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