[PEAK] PEAK CVS vs. ZODB CVS :: [pP]ersistence :: Round 1, Fight!

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Feb 20 11:59:54 EST 2004

At 11:09 AM 2/20/04 -0500, Bob Ippolito wrote:

>Well I need ZODB 3.3, and I'm not currently using PEAK at all right now, 
>so I could care less about PEAK persistence.  Does ZODB4 even work reliably?

I don't know.  PEAK only uses its persistence module, and absolutely 
nothing else.

>   There hasn't been a release in over 6 months.  Any estimate of how much 
> work it would be to get PEAK and ZODB 3.3 to play along?

Ugh.  IIRC, ZODB3.3 uses extension classes for its Persistence, which is as 
thoroughly incompatible with PEAK as you can get.

However, my plan for alpha 4 was to drop the use of ZODB altogether and go 
with a PEAK-specific persistence mechanism.  But I haven't designed that 
mechanism yet, so it's not a quick fix.

>Is persistence support easily separable from PEAK?

No.  But there's another solution that *would* be a quick fix.  Try 
installing ZODB and PEAK to different directories on your PYTHONPATH.  If I 
recall correctly, Python is supposed to look at the actual file/directory 
name when finding a module or package, so it should be possible to have 
both a 'persistence' and a 'Persistence' installed, as long as they're in 
different directories.  See PEP 235 ( 
http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0235.html ) for more details.

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