[PEAK] peak.web bugs

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Dec 11 19:59:02 EST 2003

At 11:08 AM 12/10/03 +0100, Radek Kanovsky wrote:
>Hi All,
>It seems to me that zope response object insists on explicit HTTP status
>assignment. Following patch on src/peak/web/resources.py helped.
>Otherwise "599: No status set." is raised when serving some resource.

Looks like that's always done that.  What's odd is that I could've sworn I 
did some tests on the static file serving part.  I must not have done it 
TTW.  Anyway, I've checked in a fix now.

I really need to get some unit tests for peak.web that actually engage 
zope.publisher so that more of the code can be properly exercised.  Alas, 
I'm in the midst of another priority shift at the office, and won't be able 
to finish the alpha 3 TODO list of peak.web for a while.  Please feel free 
to continue sending bug reports/fixes as you encounter them, though, and 
I'll catch up as/when I can.  Thanks.

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