[ZPatterns] installation of zpatterns
Christian Scholz
[email protected]
Mon, 9 Jun 2003 14:20:22 +0200
> i have python 2.2.2 in RH8 linux box.
> i have used the zpatterns bundle present in the page
> http://www.zope.org/Members/upfront/zpatterns_howto.stx
> also i have downloaded the ZPatternsExttension
> Ihave out both contents of ZPatterns & ZPatternsExtension in the
> /usr/lib/plone/Products directory
> But when i try to run the installation procedure, i found that
> python 2.2.2 doesn;t have Makefile.pre.in in it.
> what do i do now
> how do i proceed.
It should be part of your python-installation and located in
I dunno where it is on redhat but I guess /usr/lib/python2.2 or so.
If it's not there you maybe have to install the devel-Packages of your
python version.
If you compiled it yourself, e.g. with --prefix=/opt/python2.2
if can be found at /opt/python2.2/lib/python2.2/config/Makefile.pre.in
Just copy it to your ZPatterns directory and run make -f Makefile.pre.in boot
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