Re[2]: [ZPatterns] Help

Alexander Demidov Alexander Demidov <[email protected]>
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 10:57:34 +0600

Hello Rob,

Thursday, July 24, 2003, 1:30:40 AM, you wrote:

RM> Alexander Demidov wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I need a help.
>> I've stoped on "Create the Specialists" of "ZPatterns Howto" 
>> " ... 
>> 3. Browse to the Addresses Specialist, go to its Racks tab, browse to the 
>> defaultRack and go its Storage tab. The time has come to marry the DataSkin 
>> to its Rack. Select ContactDirectory: Address for the option "Class for 
>> stored items". ..."
>> If I click "Storage tab", I am getting an error (See the attachment). All 
>> products are installed properly, when I look at Products folder.

RM> hmmm... this doesn't look pretty, and it's not something i've seen over 
RM> the last two years of zpatterns usage.  my first guess is that there is 
RM> a corrupted object in the ZODB... perhaps you might consider deleting 
RM> the specialist altogether and then attempting to recreate it.

RM> also, i notice references to ZClass modules in the traceback.  had you 
RM> already created a DataSkin ZClass and associated it with this specialist 
RM> before this error started occurring?  have you ever been able to access 
RM> the Storage tab, or did this happen on your first attempt?

RM> -r

No, I have not ... It was my first click the Storage tab. I could not
create any DataScin.

I gess ... can you tell me, what are versions both products of ZPatterns?
I could download wrong version of them.


Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[email protected]