[ZPatterns] Re: [Zope-Coders] DynPersist doesn't like Python2.2.x + Zope Trunk

Phillip J. Eby [email protected]
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 16:25:03 -0400

At 09:07 PM 10/23/02 +0200, Roch=E9 Compaan wrote:
> > Also, Steve...  Ty and I are now potentially in a position to offer
> > you commit privileges for ZPatterns and our other Zope-related stuff
> > in our CVS, if you want it.  E-mail us off-list if you'd like to
> > discuss it.  Thanks.
>I was planning to set up a CVS repository for ZPatterns and extensions
>to it on request by people on the list but I don't know if I still
>should. The reason I offered to do this was to point newcomers to a place=
>where they can find a version of ZPatterns that is being maintained and=20
>make it possible for other people to make contributions.
>If Steve has commit privileges does that mean we can send
>patches/extensions/documentation to him or should we send it to you

Steve has indicated that he is soon not going to be working on ZPatterns=20
projects any more, and so won't be maintaining his=20
patches/branches/etc.  He suggested that your planned repository might be a=
better choice.

When your site/repository is available, I'll be happy to update any of my=20
public docs on ZPatterns to point to your new home.  All I ask is that you=
credit myself and Ty for the authorship of the original package, and=20
provide a link to the PEAK website as the home of the replacement of=20
ZPatterns for Zope 3.