[ZPatterns] ZPatterns and...CMF???

Gary Poster Gary Poster" <[email protected]
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 19:25:15 -0500

Hello all.  So, I've become somewhat enamored of CMF.  Integrating my RDBMS
with my CMF via ZPatterns suddenly seemed like a fantastic idea in theory,
so I've been looking around to see what the Zope world has been doing in
this general direction before I, in a fit of enthusiasm, wasted days of
thought and work that people smarter than me have already done and perhaps
discarded.  It seemed all I would have to do is make the ZPatterns ZClasses
have the correct CMF mix-in classes and build the mapping to view, edit, and
metadata forms.

But nobody has said a darn thing I can find about doing ZPatterns with CMF,
except ...
... Shane:
> Let's say you want CMF objects to be stored in an RDBMS.  You don't want
> to use ZODB stubs and you want a tree of persistent objects.  ZPatterns
> can't help you.  Can SmartObjects?

(no answer I can see to the final SmartObjects question, btw).  Why does
Shane write off the ZPatterns solution?  I suppose I could ask him,
but...I'm asking here first. :-)

Anybody know how Shane's OR mapping project is going, btw?  Uh, that's
another question for him, I guess.  Maybe I'm feeling shy.

