[ZPatterns] a LDAP-AttributeProvider again

Ulrich Eck [email protected]
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:04:26 +0200

hi steve,

> Have you looked at the SkinScript for triggers?
> also there is the OTHERWISE LET .. clause of an attribute provider that
> you could use to return something intelligent if there is no such object.

I'm not shure about the default behavior of an attribute-provider ..

I have an Interface that allows to:

so I have no possibilty to tell the attribute-provider to create a new
(this wouldn't be a problem as i just create a new one with its id and store
its attributes when there is no object with this id) but when an object
is deleted .. I don't now how to handle this situation .. this is what a
basically does not an attribute-provider .. I think this is related to the
"remove orphan slots" button in storage .. that would mean, that I
need a method that cleans up my LDAP-Directory from time to time
and deletes all objects that have no more attributes .. Is this the right

thanks for your answer

Ulrich Eck