[ZPatterns] a LDAP-AttributeProvider again

Ulrich Eck [email protected]
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 18:36:51 +0200

sorry that i ask again about my LDAPAttributeProvider ..

I have coded a basic Attribute-provider which fetches
its attributes from a LDAP-Directory ..

> To avoid the procedure of programming LDAP-Filters I thought about
> creating an LDAP-Attribute-Provider.
> One could use it in Racks/Specialists and it uses an existing
> LDAP-Connection
> like a ZSQL Method.
> To customize you need to define the base-dsn and the object-filter
> and which attributes should be stored (like PersistentAP)
> How difficult to implement is it ?????

in fact it was pretty easy to setup the method for

this is working so far ..
now i get to the setters and deleters ...

what is the preffered behavior of a attribute-source (comparable to
an internal persistent attribute-provider) to handle:

1. Setting Attributes for Objects that doesn't exist in the LDAP-directory:
  a) Create a new object and set it's attributes
  b) raise an error

2. Deleting Attributes from Objects
  a) Delete the Attribute from the Object (what happens, if the object is
deleted ??

I'm not completly shure if I shouldn't implement this as Rack because as far
as i can see
I don't have any control about object creation/deletion when I use an
Attribute provider.

any comments on this ??

thanks in advance
Ulrich Eck