[ZPatterns] ZPatterns not TTW, step 2
Steve Spicklemire
[email protected]
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 22:55:17 -0500
Ach.. I see. I went back to the code that did this.. and I had forgotten
that while it was a "Python Product" that subclasses from DataSkin, it
was also a registered base class for ZClasses, and I had subclassed a
ZClass from it to use in the StorageTab. But in looking at the running
App I see that my base
classes show up in the Storage popup as being usable classes for the
Rack. Maybe all you need is to register you classes as a base class and
the rest of the magic will work? ;-)
On Sunday, June 10, 2001, at 09:19 PM, R. David Murray wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>> So a ZClass wouldn't be strictly necessary.
> Any clue how I'd go about getting a Rack to use a non-ZClass as
> the wrapper class for the returned objects? I'm looking at
> _v_itemConstructor in Rack.py, and it looks like it requires a
> zlass. However, it is in a section that says "Optionally Overrideable",
> but at this stage of my ZPatterns Zen I have no clue how to go
> about override it. Especially since I have *no* clue what the
> black magic line using ComputedAttribute after the def of the
> function does...