[ZPatterns] Using ZPatterns not TTW

Steve Alexander [email protected]
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 00:16:52 +0100

I haven't tried this, but I see a potential acquisition gotcha in there.

R. David Murray wrote:

> def manage_addCRMSystem(self, id, title='', REQUEST=None):
>         "Web callable"
>         id = str(id)
>         CRMSys = CRMSystem(id)
>         CRMSys.title = title
>         self._setObject(id,CRMSys)

           # add this to get an acquisition-wrapped CRMSys

>         CustSp = Customers("Customers")
>         CRMSys._setObject("Customers",CustSp)
>         if REQUEST is None: return
>         self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s/%s/manage" %\
>                  (self.absolute_url(),id))

I really don't know if this will fix the problem you describe, but 
otherwise, I think some things that except to find acquisition wrappers 
in certain places will not be finding them there.

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited