[ZPatterns] large ZPatterns bug with Zope 2.4
Steve Alexander
[email protected]
Sat, 07 Jul 2001 21:22:04 +0100
I'm storing DataSkins in a Rack.
I'm upgrading a Zope 2.3 application to use Zope 2.4 and Python 2.1
I'm using the latest CVS of ZPatterns.
I've recompiled all the PythonScripts and (for good measure) refreshed
all the SkinScript. External method available on request. I recompiled
There's an incompatibility between ExtensionClasses in Zope 2.4 and what
DataSkin's __of__ method expects.
Basically, a DataSkin's _v_parent attribute is never set, because the
first time __of__ gets called, parent is an ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper
rather than an ImplicitAcquirerWrapper, as it was in Zope 2.3.
Right now, I'm not exactly sure what all this means. I'm about to start
looking at the changelog for ExtensionClasses to find out.
It may be as simple as caching the parent at a different point in
Dataskin's __of__, but I really don't know.
The result at the moment is that you can't use computed attributes with
Zope 2.4.
Steve Alexander