[ZPatterns] excessive recursion error

Steve Alexander [email protected]
Tue, 03 Jul 2001 21:12:08 +0100

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> The problem is that the catalog is issuing a subtransaction commit, while a
> transaction commit is already taking place.  This commit attempt causes
> ZPatterns to try to catalog the objects again, leading to another attempt
> at subtransaction commit. 

I've been thinking about the ideas Phillip and Shane talked about on 
Zope-Dev a few weeks ago:

Phillip wrote:
 > Upon being told to perform a transaction or subtransaction commit,
 > the transaction would notify all the ruleAgents, and then all the
 > indexingAgents.  Objects could still subscribe to either queue while
 > this notifying is taking place.  (So that triggered actions could
 > cause indexish objects to register as indexingAgents, not to mention
 > causing updated objects to fire additional triggers.)
 > Once all agents in a queue are notified, that queue should be cleared
 > so that notifications are on a per-subtransaction basis.  Once both
 > queues are cleared, normal transaction behavior goes forward.

I wonder if somethign like this would allow the use of subtransactions 
initiated from indexingAgents?

Steve Alexander