[ZPatterns] Re: ZPatterns 0.4.3 patch 2

Johan Carlsson [Torped] [email protected]
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 10:59:07 +0100

At 09:43 2001-12-19 +0000, Steve Alexander wrote:
>Johan Carlsson [Torped] wrote:
>>At 10:24 2001-12-18 +0000, you wrote:
>The DynPersist.dll (or .pyd) has to be compatible with the version of 
>Python you're using. That's the most important thing.
>I guess you're using Python 1.5.2. Here's a file that might work for you:
>   http://www.cat-box.net/steve/DynPersist-0.4.3b1.dll

I'll have a go at it.