[PEAK] PEAK-Rules for Python3

Cara ceridwen.mailing.lists at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 12:38:33 EDT 2015

Most of the tests on my system now seem to be passing.  In Python 3,
PEAK-Rules is clean except for a couple of deprecation warnings.  There
are some shallow failures in AddOns and BytecodeAssembler's doctests
still segfault.


On Python 2 everything is clean except that there are a handful of
failures for PEAK-Rules.  I think they're all shallow except for a
failure to import ord from assembler.py.


A quick look suggests that because `new` exists in Python 2, ord never
gets set in assembler.py.

    from new import code as NEW_CODE, function
except ImportError:
    from types import FunctionType as function
    NEW_CODE = lambda ac, *args: CodeType(ac, 0, *args)
    long = ord = int

Probably you want to enclose the import in the doctest in another try:
except: block.  I don't know why you aren't seeing this bug.


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