[PEAK] Trellis WXEventLoop patch

Grant Baillie grant at osafoundation.org
Wed Jun 25 20:17:09 EDT 2008

On 25 Jun, 2008, at 17:07, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 02:36 AM 6/26/2008 +0300, Sergey Schetinin wrote:
>> You're right. Also it should have been wx.CallLater, not CallAfter.  
>> Here's a better example:
>> import wx
>> app = wx.PySimpleApp()
>> wx.CallLater(0.1, lambda:None)
>> f = wx.Frame(None)
> This doesn't do anything; it doesn't even run the app in a loop.   
> But at least it doesn't core dump, either.  :)

Heh ... I think it needs a


after the last line. That gives me a

wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "m_milli > 0" failed at ../ 
src/mac/carbon/timer.cpp(84) in Start(): invalid value for timer timeout

on the wx bundled with Mac OS X 10.5 (wx.__version__ == ''). On  
the version we use in Chandler ('') no such assertion.


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