[PEAK] Trellis-ified wx Dialog

Grant Baillie grant at osafoundation.org
Thu Jul 19 16:37:31 EDT 2007

On 19 Jul, 2007, at 13:05, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 12:46 PM 7/19/2007 -0700, Grant Baillie wrote:
>> On 19 Jul, 2007, at 11:55, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>>> By the way, another way to do the above would be:
>>>     class EditBridge(trellis.Component):
>>>         trellis.values(
>>>             widget = None,
>>>             cell = None,
>>>         )
>>>         trellis.rules(
>>>             setup = lambda self: self.widget.Bind  
>>> (wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.write),
>>>             read = lambda self: self.widget.SetValue(self.cell),
>>>         )
>>>         def write(self, event):
>>>             self.cell = self.widget.GetValue()
>> Hmmm ... if I do that, then the read rule gets called with a widget
>> of None.
> Eh?  That shouldn't be possible -- isn't the code passing in a  
> widget in the kwargs to EditBridge?  The setting of 'widget' should  
> be happening before *any* rules are called.  Can you check to make  
> sure that you are passing a non-None widget to EditBridge()?

I am, but it looks as if the read rule is called before widget is  

 > /Users/grant/work/chandler-1.0/samples/wxTemp/wxTemperature.py(29) 
-> super(EditBridge, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
(Pdb) kw
{'cell': Cell(<bound method TempConverter.<lambda> of  
<__main__.TempConverter object at 0x3c4fb30>>, 32), 'widget':  
<wx._controls.TextCtrl; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxTextCtrl *'  
at 0x1945e00> >}
(Pdb) c
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "wxTemperature.py", line 86, in <module>
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 366, in __init__
     getattr(self, k)
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 388, in __get__
     return cell.value
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 62, in _get_value
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 103, in check_dirty
     new = self._rule()
   File "wxTemperature.py", line 48, in <lambda>
     cell = self.converter.__cells__['F']
   File "wxTemperature.py", line 29, in __init__
     super(EditBridge, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 366, in __init__
     getattr(self, k)
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 388, in __get__
     return cell.value
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 62, in _get_value
   File "/Users/grant/Third-Party/PEAK/Trellis/peak/events/ 
trellis.py", line 103, in check_dirty
     new = self._rule()
   File "wxTemperature.py", line 37, in <lambda>
     read = lambda self: self.widget.SetValue(unicode(self.cell)),
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'SetValue'


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