[PEAK] PyProtocols' zope_support broken with zope.interface >= 3.0.0

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Jul 13 17:54:22 EDT 2007

At 08:40 PM 7/13/2007 +0200, Alberto Valverde wrote:
>PyProtocols' zope_support is broken with zope.interface newer than
>zope.interface 3 shows a deprecation warning:
>60: DeprecationWarning: isImplementedBy has been renamed to providedBy
>But in newer versions it breaks completely.
>This probably is fixed in trunk (haven't checked),

As far as I know, it is.

>  however, could the
>package at PyPI be upgraded if so so easy_install can do it's magic
>without pinning 3.0.0?

I'm not likely to get to that soon.  I suggest you simply use:

    easy_install svn://svn.eby-sarna.com/svnroot/PyProtocols

to get the latest version for the time being.

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