[PEAK] Another RuleDispatch error with python 2.5

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Sep 17 17:39:33 EDT 2006

At 08:03 PM 9/17/2006 +0200, paul wrote:
>Running this code with Python 2.5rc1 (RuleDispatch-0.5a0.dev-r2100,
>win32, VS2003.NET, XP) fails. The commented convert_date() function
>however works. I tested with other types (decimal.Decimal) and it seems
>the error occurs as soon as .when() contains multiple tests and 'or'.'

Looks like a Python 2.5 grammar problem.  Specifically, 2.5's new 
conditional expressions throw a monkey in the works, so to speak.  A 
quickie fix would be to change this line (#62) in dispatch.ast_builder:

     test = curry(com_binary, 'Or')

to instead read:

     test = or_test = curry(com_binary, 'Or')

This *should* work, but strange things will happen if you use conditional 

Unfortunately, there are likely deeper grammar issues afoot, because I'm 
still showing RuleDispatch's internal parse tests failing on 2.5.

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