[PEAK] generic function signature changes

Simon Belak simon.belak at hruska.si
Thu Jun 15 14:41:38 EDT 2006

I don't think so:

     from dispatch import generic

     def foo(bar):

     @foo.when("bar > 2")
     def foo_gt_2(bar):
         return "bar > 2"

     @foo.when("bar == 2")
     def foo_gt_2(bar, baz=24):
         return baz

     print foo(4)
     print foo(2)

Arguments just need to be optional or keyword.


Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> Am I correct that it is harder to change a generic function's
> signature than it is to change an ordinary function's signature? Let's
> say you have this function:
> def foo(bar)
> As an ordinary Python function, you can do this:
> def foo(bar, baz=None)
> without breaking any subclasses (if this were a method) or anyone else
> using the function. But, if you add an additional, even optional,
> parameter to a generic function, all of the implementers of that
> function need to change as well...
> Is that right?
> Kevin

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