[PEAK] I don't understand uponAssembly()

Doug Quale quale1 at charter.net
Thu Mar 24 10:02:07 EST 2005

The doc for config.makeRoot says

    makeRoot ( **options )

    Create a configuration root, suitable for use as a parent
    component This creates and returns a new IConfigurationRoot with
    its default configuration loading from peak.ini. The returned root
    component will "know" it is a root, so any components that use it
    as a parent will get their uponAssembly() events invoked

but I don't understand how this works.

    >>> class k(binding.Component):
    ...     def uponAssembly(self):
    ...         print 'assembling %r' % self
    >>> x = k(None)
    assembling <__main__.k object at 0xb793ff2c>

So specifying None as the parent gets uponAssembly() called
immediately.  That makes sense.

With no parent specified (parent=NOTGIVEN), uponAssembly() isn't
called when the instance is created:

    >>> x = k()

but if I ask for the parent, I find out it's None and uponAssembly()
is called:

    >>> binding.getParentComponent(x)
    assembling <__main__.k object at 0xb795c40c>

This seems OK too since peak bindings are lazy (probably including the
parentComponent binding).

If instead I make a root and use it as parent:

    >>> x = k(config.makeRoot())

I find uponAssembly() isn't called, but based on the makeRoot doc I
thought it would be.  And if I ask for the parent

    >>> binding.getParentComponent(x)
    <peak.config.config_components.ConfigurationRoot object at 0xb793fa4c>

I get a ConfigurationRoot but still no call to uponAssembly().

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