[PEAK] dispatch -- more specific

Simon Belak simon.belak at hruska.si
Tue Dec 13 15:56:49 EST 2005

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> I'm not sure what usefulness you see in this idea, though, other than 
> that it allows you to omit the common condition for individual methods.

What I have is basically a glorified type-casting system with two 
distinct modes of operation. It excepts either a pair (factory, 
type_wannabe) or (recipe_for_type, type_wannabe) where recipe_for_type 
can be in several different formats (classes) with default handlers 
(these are actually causing the problems otherwise it would be just a 
case of testing for interface compliance) for each branch. Since there 
will be many cases for each branch I would like to keep repetition down. 
As a nice bonus this would allow me to refractor the "root" cases if 
need be.

Do you consider this to be a viable approach (in terms of generic 
function usage)?


Simon Belak
vodja projektnih skupin

e: simon.belak at hruska.si
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