[PEAK] Packaging peak apps

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Sep 7 12:09:44 EDT 2004

At 01:51 PM 9/7/04 +0200, Roché Compaan wrote:
>Hi there
>I have a client that insists on not having any source distributed for a 
>proprietary application that we have written for them in PEAK and wanted 
>to know if it is at all possible to work around the import problems with 
>PEAK when using py2exe to package a PEAK app.

Have you tried the latest py2exe?  Apparently version 0.5 uses Python 2.3's 
"import from zipfile" facility, so it seems like it should be compatible 
with PEAK's import facility (although I haven't tried it myself).

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