[PEAK] peak logs

darryl developer at csrules.dyndns.org
Fri Jan 2 12:36:53 EST 2004

>> Now everything works.....
> I don't see how, since you have jabber.logger being looked up by 
> logger.jabber...  But maybe that's a typo in your email.
Yup a typo. Sorry. ( i have to figure out how to cut and paste with putty)

> I do suggest sticking with the 'logger:bots.jabber' format, though, as 
> it will offer considerable advantage in the future vs. simply putting 
> a logger in a property.  It will be possible to create logger plugins, 
> whereby multiple things can happen as a result of sending things to a 
> single logger.  Today, you can only have one object that does things 
> as a result of logging a message.

Fair enough. I was just happy to get my logging back :)

Mayhap you can review IntroToPeak/ChapterFive and make sure that 
reflects "the right way"


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