[PEAK] Re: Zope.org - Postmortem Debugging In Zope

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Apr 13 15:06:07 EDT 2004

At 02:41 PM 4/13/04 -0400, Stephen C. Waterbury wrote:
>Hi Phillip,
>Is it possible to do something similar to this with PEAK?

Yes.  See:


Actually, I don't use that recipe myself, I usually just run something like:

python -i peak whatever

which drops you back to a Python prompt following any uncaught 
exception.  I then type:

 >>> import pdb
 >>> pdb.pm()

to get into the postmortem debugger.  You can then inspect variables in any 
of the stack frames that were active when the exception occurred.

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