[PEAK] using peak from a zip file

alexander smishlajev alex at ank-sia.com
Thu Apr 1 12:18:20 EST 2004

Stephen Haberman wrote, at 01.04.2004 17:58:


> Also:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes-dev/2003-December/001787.html
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=856103&group_id=5470&atid=105470
> So, it is a bug in reload.

as far as i remember, there were several pitfalls in using PEAK lazy 
modules with installer hooks (py2exe) or marshalled modules (McMillian 
installer).  if you are interested, you may look at the thread "imports 
(Re: Package organization)" starting at 

unfortunately, i did not manage to explore the matters further.  i just 
came up with the solution described at the Wiki page mentioned above, 
which is quite acceptable for our company.

the drawbacks of this approach are having many application-private 
copies of python library (if you install several applications 
distributed like this) and the application source code obscured less 
than it would be in a binary package (like py2exe).  both of these 
drawbacks have certain positive sides.

best wishes,

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